
Program kerja osis bidang keagamaan
Program kerja osis bidang keagamaan

program kerja osis bidang keagamaan

Nachrowi Hasan, a respected Islamic leader of one of the oldest Islamic boarding school in the city of Pekalongan, “Pondok Pesantren Ribatul Muta’allimin” from the father, Mr. He was grown up in Islamic boarding School family so called as pesantren.

program kerja osis bidang keagamaan

Muhammad Adib Abdushomad was born on 2 nd August in city of Pekalongan Central Java. Pengurus OSIS SMA Negeri 3 Bukittinggi (1982), Sekretaris Senat Fakultas Hukum UMSB (1985-1988), Sekretaris HIPA YUSTITA Bukittinggi (1985-1988), Pengurus KAHMI Bukittinggi (2004), Bendahara Alumni Fakultas Hukum UMSB (2000-sekarang), Ketua PBSI Bukittinggi (2000-2006),, Sekretaris GAPOPIN Sumbar (2002-2006), Ketua Kadinda bidang Penanaman Modal Bukittinggi (2001-2006), Pengurus Badan Pertimbangan Ekonomi Bukittinggi (2003-2006), Pengurus Badan Pertimbangan Pendidikan Bukittinggi (2003-2006), Pengurus Badan Pertimbangan Pariwisata Bukittinggi (2003-2006), Wakil Ketua KNPI Sumatra Barat (2004-2007), Pengurus Mesjid Mukhlisin Manggis, Dewan Penasehat ICMI Bukittinggi, Pelindung Majelis Taklim Emeral Group, Pengurus Komite SMAN 5 Bukittinggi Ia menjabat sebagai Wali Kota Bukittinggi sejak 17 Februari 2016. Berpasangan dengan Irwandi sebagai Wakil Wali Kota, mereka berhasil memenangkan Pilwako Bukittinggi 2015. Sebelumnya, ia maju sebagai calon wali kota pada Pilwako Bukittinggi 2010 didampingi Azwar Risman Taher dengan diusung Partai Golkar. Ia pernah menjabat sebagai Ketua KPUD Kota Bukittinggi. Ramlan Nurmatias, S.H. gelar Datuk Nan Basa (lahir di Bukittinggi, Sumatra Barat, 10 Agustus 1964 umur 54 tahun) adalah politisi dan pengusaha Indonesia. See you soon in conference on October, 17-18th 2019 We are pleased to invite you contributing papers or posters at BiCED. Selected Paper wthin Scope IOP JPCS will be published in IOP JPCS Proceeding and Indexed by Scopusįurthermore, the submission process will be done through online system. Your prospective, valuable contributions on this field will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee and the ones approved to be presented.

program kerja osis bidang keagamaan

Through this conference, we invite experts, practitioners, and observers of education from all around the globe to sit together to explore various issues and debates on educational research, policies, and experiences. The aim of the conference is to bring together scholars, students, and administrators from different countries, and to discuss theoretical and practical issues in the fields of Education, Mathematics, Information Technology in Education and Others relevant Fields. Theme: Higher Education’s Response to the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) Bukittinggi International Conference on Education (BICED)

Program kerja osis bidang keagamaan